Getting in line with the General Data Protection Regulation.

As a key date in many business calendars, are Maltese businesses prepared for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes to force on 25th May?

What aspects of the GDPR will post the greatest challenges and opportunities to local businesses?

Local businesses tend to have various unstructured processes, which would have developed across the years as the business evolves, resulting in lack of clarity of what data is being kept and recorded, and for what reason it was being done. GDPR surfaces these issues and local businesses should take the opportunity to review and structure their internal processes, especially in view of the high staff mobility being experienced in the last couple of years.

abstract gdpr graphic, dark blue and digital

What services do Exigy offer to businesses as far as GDPR is concerned?

Exigy has been providing CRM solutions based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 for a number of years. CRM Solutions enable an organisation to centrally store customer information and associate it with not only quotes and orders, but also customer service cases, documents and email communication in one unified solution. Dynamics 365 offers the necessary security roles to restrict access to specific customer information only to the people that need to use such data for carrying out their job within an organisation.

Does Exigy offer solutions for smaller businesses as well ass larger organisations?

Dynamics 365 is a scalable solution, but it is very applicable to small organisations as well, as it brings the best practice business processes to young organisations in terms of customer management.

Are Maltese businesses equipped for the GDPR which comes into force this May?

Most businesses are definitely aware of the GDPR implications coming into force this May, and a good number of them have started to put into place an action plan to address then GDPR implications. However, I believe the implementation of such a plan will most probably extend beyond May.

Interested in finding out how your organization can ensure GDPR compliance? Get in touch today by visiting our Contact Us page!

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